As a commercial lawyer dealing with top-notch business enterprises, good websites give your clients a place to link with you online. Great commercial lawyer websites are easy to navigate, with services laid out. But the best law firm websites provide an effortless, client-centred experience while projecting a clear brand for your practice.
Below, we have looked at law firm website designs and compiled a list of the ones which clients find impressive. We hope this helps you get inspired with useful tactics to improve your website regardless of your law firm size and whether you are a lawyerof commercial law, family law, or real estate law legal practitioner.
1. ASA Law Group
ASA Law Group, a worker’s compensation defence firm based in Oak Brook, Illinois, is top of the best law firm websites. Their website shows off their expertise and ability to meet clients’ needs by showcasing weekly telebriefing on their homepage. Moreover, ASA shows how they cater to the needs of business clients on their about page because they emphasize how they are a client-centred practice rather than a billable-centred one. This web idea is among the best a commercial lawyer can ever get,.commercial lawyer

2. Beacon Law
Many commercial lawyer websites fall into the trap of overcomplicating their website and making it confusing to the user. Beacon Law, which provides legal services to low-income individuals in Houston, Texas, manages to avoid this by having a clear and easy-to-find online intake form on its homepage. That makes the user experience much smoother for those looking to access legal services quickly.
3. Bend Law Group
All of the best law firm websites emphasize branding and getting their message across as soon as the visitor lands on the website. Bend Law Group spectacularly does this with an eye-catching homepage header which reads “Dream big. We got your back.”
On top of that, Bend has been mentioned in several impressive publications, and the firm also showcases its top SuperLawyer, Avvo, and Yelp ratings on its home page. Finally, the firm features its phone number, address, and email, so clients and potential clients can contact them quickly. What else does a commercial lawyer need if not a website that clients can talk to?
4. California Innocence Project
The California Innocence Project helps to free wrongfully convicted individuals in the city. The power of their website lies in its simplicity, and that’s good for every commercial lawyer. It knows its work will quickly inspire and resonate with its audience, so its website design prioritizes strong visuals and copy to clarify its mission. It is also quick to immediately answer questions about what innocent organizations are and why support is needed.

5. Cascade Legal Planning
Cascade Legal Planning, an estate planning firm, has a calming website highlighting the different services offered. And, it’s clear what the firm does because there are pages on wills, trusts, probate, and more that outline the design feaures for each service in a bulleted list. Moreover, this includes pricing, an essential piece of information that most commercial lawyer websites often neglect to include!

6. Fresh Legal
Fresh Legal makes our list of best law firm websites due to their excellent use of reassurance copy. As soon as a website visitor lands on their homepage, they’re prompted to schedule a free call. That is important because it eases any worries about the initial cost of legal services, on top of the difficulties a potential client with legal issues may face. As a commercial lawyer, you may take a hint from the fantastic creativity of this website.
7. Hamra Law Group
Hamra Law Group, a business and employment law firm, mixes up the traditional website design template by featuring images of the firm’s critical commercial lawyers in the firm, allowing prospective clients to put a face to a name right away. That is important because it could potentially increase a prospective client’s trust in the firm.
Also, the law firm highlights that initial consultation are free in multiple places, showcasing how it provides value to clients upfront. Furthermore, highlighting their free consultations also emphasizes that the firm is budget conscious and offers fair and transparent billing. With cost being a key consideration for many legal clients, this approach is on the money.
8. Hoglund, Chwialkowski & Mrozik, P.L.L.C.
Generally speaking, there is no set layout, colour, or design that all of the best law firm websites share. What they do have in common, however, is they address the needs of all prospective clients and website visitors.
Firstly, their clear homepage highlights their practice areas front and centre, letting clients know they’re in the right place. Then, their phone number is highlighted with a call-to-action (CTA) button in a bright colour, making them easy to contact, and the firm highlights that clients can get started for zero dollars, easing cost concerns. No doubt, this web layout is excellent for commercial lawyers.

9. K Bennett Law LLC
This website design makes it clear that the firm is there to support law firms right from the start. It creates a solid first impression; the clean, well-designed home page offers three different ways to get in contact, including a live chat or scheduling a consultation. The home page also details various services provided, highlighting that everything is 100% flat fee because this is important for cost-conscious new business owners with predictable budgets.
10. Kinchloe Law
Kinchloe Law, a firm that covers family, disability, and business law, has a website design that makes the user experience simple to navigate. They make it easy to get in contact with a banner, clear button, and option to start chatting right from their home page. Furthermore, founder Alycia Kinchloe showcases her expertise on the site with A House Divided, which brings out a great website idea for commercial lawyers.
Every commercial lawyer needs to functional website to succeed in this heated competition. as a legal practitioner, your website is your business window to the world. You will limit your customer base to your locality without a solid online presence. Amazingly, people finding a service near them first go to the internet to search.
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